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RE: [alac] Meeting requirements checklist

Given the cost of the overhead projector, we can limit to one for the full duration of the conference (exact start date and end date to be defined when full program will be known), with the agreement that we will move it between the internal and the public meeting room.

I also wonder whether it would be useful to have a flip chart or whiteboard in the internal meeting room.

ICANN BoD Liaison

From: Vittorio Bertola <vb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: alac@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [alac] Meeting requirements checklist
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 14:40:46 +0100


as discussed in Cape Town, I have tried to prepare the checklist for meeting
preparation to be submitted to ICANN staff. Please send additions/comments.


- One internal meeting room with:
    - "meeting room" configuration (one big table + chairs around)
    - at least 20 chairs
    - working wi-fi network
    - sufficient power outlets at the table (at least 10)
    - a projector and screen
    - basic amenities (coffee and water)
    - if possible, with keys (so we can lock stuff in)
    - if possible, with a webcam and microphone (so to allow videoconf)
This should be allocated for the whole duration of the meetings.

- One public meeting room with:
    - "small theatre" configuration (ie front desk + rows of chairs)
    - at least 50 chairs
    - working wi-fi network
    - sufficient power outlets (at least 4 at the front desk + 15 in room)
    - a projector and screen
    - microphones (on front desk + a wireless one) and speakers
    - basic amenities for panelists (water)
    - coffee break service outside
This should be allocated for the following events:
    - At-Large public meeting
    - At-Large regional meeting
    - At-Large / NCUC joint meeting
plus any other event aimed at the public.
vb.               [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<------
http://bertola.eu.org/  <- Vecchio sito, nuovo toblòg...

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