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[alac] Meeting requirements checklist


as discussed in Cape Town, I have tried to prepare the checklist for meeting
preparation to be submitted to ICANN staff. Please send additions/comments.


- One internal meeting room with:
    - "meeting room" configuration (one big table + chairs around) 
    - at least 20 chairs
    - working wi-fi network
    - sufficient power outlets at the table (at least 10)
    - a projector and screen
    - basic amenities (coffee and water)
    - if possible, with keys (so we can lock stuff in)
    - if possible, with a webcam and microphone (so to allow videoconf)
This should be allocated for the whole duration of the meetings.

- One public meeting room with:
    - "small theatre" configuration (ie front desk + rows of chairs)
    - at least 50 chairs
    - working wi-fi network
    - sufficient power outlets (at least 4 at the front desk + 15 in room)
    - a projector and screen 
    - microphones (on front desk + a wireless one) and speakers
    - basic amenities for panelists (water)
    - coffee break service outside
This should be allocated for the following events:
    - At-Large public meeting
    - At-Large regional meeting
    - At-Large / NCUC joint meeting
plus any other event aimed at the public.
vb.               [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<------
http://bertola.eu.org/  <- Vecchio sito, nuovo toblòg...