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decoding attachments, removing signatures

Dear mutts,

At some point last year, I thought I spotted a bug in mutt and filed
it with Debian:


Alain Bench replied, but I didn't see the reply until now. Anyway,
he said:

> > If I decode-save or decode-copy a mail [...] the attachment are
> > removed in the copy. The attachment should stay.
>     The design is: Auto_viewed attachments stay. Or rather their text
> representation stays. Other attachments are removed, because they are
> not renderable as text, or just not rendered in current settings
> (auto_view/unauto_view, $implicit_autoview, mailcap, ...). Look at
> upstream closed bug #1072 for complete explanations.
>     I can foresee your next question, and the replies are <decrypt-copy>
> and <decrypt-save>. Those keep all attachments in their original form.
> | <decrypt-copy>      make decrypted copy
> | <decrypt-save>      make decrypted copy and delete

He was almost right. The problem is that this does not work on
signed mail. Sometimes I get signed mail with huge attachments, and
I want to remove those attachments, since I prefer to store them
outside of my mailfolder instead.

Unfortunately, decrypt-save does not seem to do anything on
PGP-signed mail, and decode-save removes all attachments.

Can I somehow remove just the signature from an email to be able to
treat a mail with attachments like any other unsigned mail?

Also, sometimes I just want to decode a single attachment and store
the decoded version in the mail, e.g. replace an attachment with its
decoded version. Is that possible?


 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@xxx>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer               http://debiansystem.info
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  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems

Attachment: digital_signature_gpg.asc
Description: Digital signature (see http://martin-krafft.net/gpg/)