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smtp session fails when using preauthed connections


I have problem sending email with mutt built-in smtp function.
I am using mutt 1.5.19 on freebsd machine and I store emails
in ~/Maildir directory.  I set muttrc file like below.

set tunnel="/usr/local/bin/imapd ~/Maildir"
set folder="imap://localhost/"
set spoolfile="imap://localhost/INBOX"
set record="+INBOX/Sent"
set postponed="+INBOX/Drafts"
set smtp_url="smtps://smtp.club.kyutech.ac.jp:465/"
set send_charset="iso-2022-jp"

I want to access mailbox via preauth imap and want to send email via
remote smtp server with mutt embeded smtp client. But when sending
email, mutt puts error message "SMTP session failed: * PREAUTH Ready.".

Any ideas to avoid this problem?

Iwao, Koichiro <meta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>