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Re: Export HTML emails with images

* Matthias Apitz on Friday, February 27, 2009 at 18:44:37 +0100
> Thanks for this piece of software; I have set in ~/.muttrc:
> macro pager <F8> "\
> <enter-command> set my_wait_key=\$wait_key wait_key=no<enter>\
> <pipe-message>PYTHONPATH=~/lib/python /home/guru/bin/viewhtmlmsg -b
> konqueror -s<enter>\
> <enter-command> set wait_key=\$my_wait_key &my_wait_key<enter>\
> " "view HTML (safe) in browser"
> ...
> this brings up on F8 a konqueror window with the HTML mail, but in the
> mutt-window some error like:
> Press any key to continue...  (I press CR)
> Usage: set variable=yes|no
> this is with mutt; any idea? thx

Your mutt version doesn't support "my_" variables. The good news
is that configuration is simpler.

macro pager <F8> "\
<pipe-message>PYTHONPATH=~/lib/python /home/guru/bin/viewhtmlmsg -b konqueror 
" "view HTML (safe) in browser"

Is basically enough from viewhtmlmsg's, errmh, view. Of course
this is less flexible. You'd have to hard code your $wait_key
settings in case you have it on by default and want it turned off
for the macro etc.

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[ What the hell do you mean dogma, I am underdogma. ]

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