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Re: newbie install

On 25Feb2009 23:04, James Freer <jessejazza@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| Many thanks for that. That did work but i changed it as i like vim
| [with no menu] as opposed to gvim. I like a bare screen!
| gnome-terminal --hide-menubar --geometry 200x60+200+200 -e vim %t
| I wanted to learn about the syntax for geometry but man gnome-terminal
| just had the following
| "X geometry specification (see "X" man page), can be specified". man
| "X"? no entry

Yeah, though there should be in section 7, outlining stuff like
this. Maybe it went west with the XFee86->Xorg transition.

An X11 geometry has the form:


+PX+PY specifies the position of the window corner in pixel coordinates.
+PX means pixels to the right, from the left of the screen.
+PY means pixles down from the top of the screen.
Both may take negative forms eg -5 means five pixels _left_ from the
right screen edge or five pixels _up_ from the bottom screen edge.
The corner changes with the sign, too: +0+0 positions the top left window
corner while -5-5 positions the bottom right window corner, and +5-10
positions the bottom left window corner.

The DX and DY specify the window width in the natural units of the app.
For most things this is pixels, but for terminal emulators it means
character width and height in the font to be used. Also for terminal
emulators, it will normally control the imaging/text area, and not account
for any menu bars etc. If you want precise control of the outer perimeter
(as I do, to tile terminals across the screen), you are better off getting
your window mangler to do it if it has the flexibility. (Or ensure the
terminal has no junk like menu bars or scroll bars, as you and I both
seem to do.)

Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> DoD#743

Computer manufacturers have been failing to deliver working systems on
time and to budget since Babbage.       - Jack Schofield, in The Guardian