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Re: Multiple emails flag as read

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On Wednesday, February 18 at 11:17 AM, quoth Paul E Condon:
>>>> How do I flag multiple emails as read? Lets say I have mail 
>>>> number 1, 7 and 15 that I like to flag as read without actually 
>>>> reading it. How do I go by doing it?
>>> Tag the messages, then use <tag-prefix> (bound to ; by default) to 
>>> apply the <clear-flag>N command to all messages at once.
>> <clear-flag>O worked.
> A really dumb question:
> What do I do with "<clear-flag>O"? 
> I suppose I need to type it into may computer, but where?

Heh, it's not a dumb question.

That notation is somewhat mutt-specific. Since people can rebind their 
keys in mutt (and usually do!), it's not always helpful to say "press 
W and then press O", because that won't work for everyone. Instead, we 
tend to describe the mutt function you need to trigger, no matter what 
key you may have it bound to.

So, the default setting is that the <clear-flag> function is bound to 
the W key (while viewing the index, of course). When you trigger that 
function, it will ask you what flag you wish to clear. The letter O is 
interpreted in that prompt as meaning "the Old flag".

Another reason this notation is useful is that sometimes people want 
to use it in macros. In macros, it's best to use the name of the 
functions you want to trigger, rather than the key that triggers them, 
so that you avoid confusing yourself later if you ever change a 
keybinding (and thus mess up all your macros that relied on that 
keybinding). Plus, it makes them more readable---which of the 
following is more readable?

     macro index \eo WO
     macro index \eo <clear-flag>O

Given default bindings, they both do the same thing, but... I think 
the second one is clearly more readable.

Anyway, that's a long-winded response, but did it answer your 

- -- 
The criterion of truth is that it works even if nobody is prepared to 
acknowledge it.
                                                    -- Ludwig von Mises
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
