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experiences with offlineimap

I know this is a little off topic, but I have the impression that there
are a number of people on this list that use offlineimap and this seemed
like the best forum for my question.

I've been using offlineimap for a few months now to sync a local maildir
with a gmail account and I've had some mixed experiences.  Offlineimap
functionality is great when it is working, but the problem is that it
doesn't always work.  It randomly crashes or hangs all the time, about
once per day on average, but that figure is a little misleading because
some days it crashes 5-10 times/day and other times it runs fine for 1+
week without crashing.

The stack trace is almost never the same and I have not noticed any
patterns.  I've used various versions including 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.0.3, and
a couple of versions from the repository, the latest of which was 4 days
ago.  I've spent a few hours digging through the code but I haven't
found anything that looks interesting yet.

I have a couple of solutions that kind of work, but I don't really like

1) run from cron without autorefresh and then kill the process after a
   given amount of time to handle situations where it hangs

2) wrapper that runs offlineimap with autorefresh but kills and restarts
   the process if there has been no output for a given period of time or
   the process terminates

Has anybody had similar experiences with offlineimap or am I the only
lucky one?

Kevin Beranek
GPG Key: 1024D/0x5E62AB46 2009-02-13

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