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Re: quoting urls in replies

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On Tuesday, February 10 at 12:05 PM, quoth Rejo Zenger:
> Of course, mutt is doing fine. Just recently, I changed the locale 
> to be used by mutt (I changed the charset setting)

Changing the $charset setting manually is *usually* a bad idea; mutt 
is very good at figuring out what the correct value for that setting 
should be. If you're having a problem, something else will probably be 
more effective.

Keep in mind that $charset tells mutt what characters it's allowed to 
display. This has nothing to do with the email, and has everything to 
do with your terminal. Usually this is controlled via the $LANG 
environment variable (or the $LC_* variables, if you want more 
precision). The reason for this is that many components of your 
system, in addition to mutt, need to know this information (for 
example, your termcap library needs to know).

If you truly do have a terminal that is capable of displaying UTF-8 
output (and has that option turned on), then you should probably set 
your LANG to be something ending in ".utf8". For example, I use a LANG 
setting of "en_US.UTF-8". Find out what your options are by running 
the program `locale -a`.

> because the threads were incorrectly rendered in the message 
> listing.

This sounds more likely to be a problem that would be solved by using 
the $assumed_charset setting (which is intended to help address the 
rather common problem of incorrectly encoded email).

> Possibly relevant settings in my mutt configuration:
> set charset                     = utf-8

Do not set this yourself (unless you really REALLY know what you're 

> set escape                      = ~ 
> set editor                      = 'vim -c "set tw=72 fo+=aw smartindent" +2' 
> set indent_string               = ">" 
> set use_8bitmime                = no

The rest of these are pretty typical.

If you normally correspond with people who speak English or another 
western-European language, you probably want to start by adding this 
line to your muttrc:

     set assumed_charset = "cp1252"

If you want to be more comprehensive, add these as well:

     charset-hook ^unknown-8bit$   windows-1252
     charset-hook ^x-user-defined$ windows-1252
     charset-hook ^iso-8859-1$     windows-1252
     charset-hook ^us-ascii$       windows-1252
     charset-hook ^none$           windows-1252
     charset-hook ^iso-8859-8-u$   iso-8859-8
     charset-hook ^gb2312$         gb18030

- -- 
I prefer to be called "EVIL GENIUS!"
                                         -- Jumba, from "Lilo & Stitch"
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
