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Re: terminals and mutt

On 13Aug2008 01:56, mimosinnet@xxxxxxxxx <mimosinnet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| I am not sure if this make sense: there are terminal options more
| suitable for mutt and other for general purpose. I am wondering which
| terminal options are more suitable to work with mutt.

Like Kyle, I do not treat mutt terminals specially.
In fact, most of my advice will be exactly like Kyle's, save that I use
urxvt (well, the urxvtc client - a cheaper on memory, and I usually have
a lot of terminals open) and on MacOSX I use iTerm instead of Terminal.

| For example, in my case I am moving to urxvt. I would say that, for
| exemple, I do not need:
| * simulated reverse video

Like Kyle, I just set suitabe foreground/background colour defaults, and do
not "simulate reverse video". I run green-on-black myself, with yellow
prompts and cyan for bold.

| * scrolling

We all want scorlling:-) But yes, for speed and for curses apps like
mutt you don't need smooth scrolling.

| * transparent window background

I like my transparent terminals! I tend to run about 15% transparency;
enough to see the transparency, but opaque enough to still read the

| * many perl extensions except tabbed terminals

I tend not to tab terminals under X11, and just use lots of window manager
desktops (or lots of desktop - multiple monitors if I have the luxury).

However, I've been using a MacBook Air pretty much exclusively the last
six months (job change), and have been using the tab features of iTerm
extensively. Provided you can write to the tab titles it's fairly
effective when screen real estate is tight.

| I have ended with this command:
| urxvt -g 100x44+0+0 -rv -j -ss -tr -pe 
 -fn '-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-15-140-75-*-c-*-iso10646-1' -e mutt -F 

Looks good to me, but like Kyle I put this stuff in my .Xdefaults. That
way every terminal is like this. BTW, it is conventional for terminals
to be 80 columns wide. While I use more columns at will (especially for
paging log files with long lines, etc), for coding or email etc it is
good to constrain your default size to 80 so that you don't type stuff
that comes out untidily wide for others.

| Also, I start urxvt from a
| script with the above options, but it would be more elegant to start
| mutt directly from the working terminal instead of opening a new one,
| specially if I want to use different instances of mutt in each tab
| window.

I see elsewhere you've discovered job control.

I find that when mutt is built with the header cache facility
it is fast enough to open new mutts at need instead of keeping long
lived mutts sitting around. I know most people don't work that way
though. I also tend to work with just one account with lots of folders,
and not multiple accounts, so my needs may be simpler than yours.

Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> DoD#743

Unix is user-friendly. It's just picky about who its friends are.