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Re: confirmation when saving messages

On 17Jul2008 06:00, mimosinnet@xxxxxxxxx <mimosinnet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| I am using the "poor man's trash": 
| # Dealing with trash
| # http://marc.info/?l=mutt-users&m=120033080807087&w=2
| # Keep a copy of all messages
| folder-hook . 'macro index,pager d "<save-message>~/Mail/trash<enter>"'
| # Except those in the trash and mailing lists
| folder-hook ~/Mail/trash 'macro index,pager d <delete-message>'
| folder-hook =Llistes.mutt 'macro index,pager d <delete-message>'
| Each time I delete a message (I save the message in the trash folder),
| mutt asks for confirmation. Is it possible to change this default? I
| am looking for a configuration variable similar to "delete" when saving
| messages.

I have this in my muttrc:

  set confirmappend=no
  set confirmcreate=yes

You want the former one. From "man muttrc":

    Type: boolean
    Default: yes
    When  set, Mutt will prompt for confirmation when appending messages
    to an existing mailbox.

Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> DoD#743

I strongly suspect so.  Practically everyone on sci.physics has a theory that
is far superior to special relativity, general relativity, quantum mechanics
*and* the standard model.  Around here, it's only a small clique of arrogant
young members of the physics establishment who fail to recognize these
revolutionary theories.  I'd explain why, but I have to go finish designing
my faster-than-light vacuum energy perpetual motion telekinetic
aether-powered time machine.    - John Baez