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2 misc questions


I'm using mutt-1.5.18 on OpenBSD with GMail/IMAP.

I was just wondering:

a) Is there a wat to completely eliminate the delay which you see when
using mutt after a while of non-usage. I know timeout can be used to
extend the time in which the delay starts to happen. Im guessing
eliminating the delay means mail is not checked?

b) Is there a way to optimise closing mailboxes so that delays are less
noticable. For example if you tag a lot of messages read and change
mailbox, there is a considerable. If there is no solution, perhaps
atleast a progress indicator, like the header cache one?

c) "All mail" in gmail is a big problem in terms of speed and memory
usage. Anyone have a tip for dealing with mailboxes containing ten of
thousands of messages. Until now, I just dont open the "All Mail"
folder :)

Apart from this, excellent! Many thanks.


Best Regards
