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Re: Mailing lists and subscribe

=- Jorge Luis Gonzalez wrote on Sat  1.Mar'08 at 14:21:43 -0500 -=

> I'm using the following to list and subscribe to my mailing lists:
> unlists *
> lists `for file in ~/Mail/lists/*; do echo -n "=lists/$(basename \
>       $file) "; done`
> unsubscribe *
> subscribe `for file in ~/Mail/lists/*; do echo -n "=lists/$(basename \
>         $file) "; done`

You don't need both, re-rtfm.

> When I try to follow up to a mailing list using L, I get "mailing
> lists not found." What's wrong with the lists and subscribe lines?

Inspect the output of your constructs in a shell before you let mutt
eat it.
Does it match ML-identification in To: ?

See also http://WIKI.mutt.org/?DebugConfig

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