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Re: Folders, Sorting, SSH

On 29 Feb 2008 17:00 +0100, by brouce@xxxxxxx (wishi):
> Can I sort mailing lists into separate folders, too?
> - I found the list command... but it's not sorting my stuff at all.
> I. e. I'm on the list foo@xxxxxxx and the subject is always [bar]. Is there 
> any sorting feature to put the eMails into local folders? Sorted by sender 
> or subject?

I imagine you could automate this to a reasonable degree using a
combination of hooks to automate tagging/saving, but it really is a
job that is better done in the MDA.

> 2. I want to use mutt's pop and imap features, but mutt itself doesn't 
> provide any spam filtering, does it?

Not directly that I am aware of (keep in mind that mutt itself is
little more than a glorified file browser/viewer), but it can utilize
an external filter. See the spam/nospam directives.


> I tried to setup fetchmail, but it's really slow and my third problem is, 
> I'd like to tunnel the incoming mail transfers through an ssh tunnel. 
> fetchmail has a --plugin option, but I didn't understand the documentation.

I used this for a really long time, and it worked splendidly:

poll $FQDN via localhost port 65525 with proto pop3, tracepolls:
  user "$USERNAME" password "$PASSWORD"
  preconnect "ssh -2 -f -q -N -x -T -L 65525: -o 
'StrictHostKeyChecking yes' $FQDN sleep 600";

This sets up a SSH tunnel (listening on local port 65525) and then
connects through it to the remote mail server at $FQDN. Adjust as
necessary to suit your setup. The only requirement is that the SSH
tunnel can be set up (actually, the preconnect command can finish)

And fetchmail being slow? I haven't run any benchmarks, but I have
never noticed any delays with it.

Michael Kjörling .. michael@xxxxxxxxxxx .. http://michael.kjorling.se
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