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Re: How to deal with new mail?


> I'm afraid that this is not possible with mutt, as it does not have
> virtual folders, at least not ones containing mails from several
> maildirs.

So I'll have to learn the mutt way. Thanks for your suggestions!

> Try pressing '.' (dot) in index, it should list all folders which have
> new mail. However, there's question about what exactly is new mail. If
> you set mark_old=yes (default), new mail is mail where you haven't seen
> even the Subject line in index. If you set mark_old=no, new mail is mail
> where you haven't seen body of the mail. (This does not work for IMAP,
> but I do have patch available).

I did set mark_old=no and marked some mail in some folders as new with
'N' so it won't change to old when I leave the folder.
But I can't get pressing '.' to work...nothing happens.

> I'm not sure about step 3 :) You could write macro which pipes the mail
> through different set of procmail rules and deletes the original mail.
> Then you could bind such macro to a key. Simply pressing the key would
> move given mail to correct mailfolder. This would work only for low
> amount of mail, IMO.

Those macros are far above my head at the moment ;-)
I'll think pressing '.' would work for me (if it only did work...)
> I am subscribed to many mailinglists and I receive many emails per day.
> I'm having mails sorted directly on IMAP server. Most of the time I'm
> looking into my INBOX, where I limit the view only to new mail (press
> 'l' and type ~N). Time from time I press '.' to see which folders are
> also having new mail. (Mutt shows in a status line that new mail in
> different folder arrived, but I found it unreliable). Then I just go to
> the folder(s) and read the mail(s). If I just don't have the time, but I
> want to return really soon, I set the mail back to New state (pressing
> capital 'N'), and the folder is still offered as having new mail
> available. (This is why I need mark_old for imap).
> Hope this helps
> -- 
>       Vlad

Thank you for the tips! I guess I can live without virtual folders...
