account-hook with same imap server but different authentication
hello list,
is it possible to use two different account hooks for the same imap
server but with different login credentials?
when looking at the definition of an account hook at
, it is defined as:
account-hook path-regexp command
after having gone through, it
seems like path-regexp is not just a descriptive pattern for making it
possible for mutt to reference different accounts. instead it is the
server url the hooked parameters given afterwards are valid for.
but how should i reference two accounts for one and the same server
for different mailboxes with this? thanks for some enlightenment
there, maybe its possible but i have overseen something somewhere.
what i would like to do is something like the following, what seems to
be impossible to me since path-regexp is the same in both cases:
account-hook imaps:// 'set folder=imaps://
imap_user=user1 imap_pass=pass1 "
account-hook imaps:// 'set folder=imaps://
imap_user=user2 imap_pass=pass2
thanks for your help, regards,