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Re: searching in "sent"

On 2007-12-04, Pau Amaro-Seoane <vim.unix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> / is a wonderful tool to search for keywords in the "inbox" BUT not in
> sent... because mutt adds automatically a "To" in the field, which
> seems to spoil the search:
>   24   F Dec 03 To Stas         (  13) tomorrow
>   25   F Dec 03 To Guste        (   3) Re: nos vamos
>   26   F Dec 03 To Stas         (   8) Re: tomorrow
>   27   F Dec 03 To Guste        (  36) Re: nos vamos
>   28   F Dec 03 To Stas         (  24) Re: tomorrow
> Is there a way to get rid of that "To" in the 5th column?

You can change the way those lines in the index are formatted by 
setting your 'index_format' differently for your sent folder with a 
folder-hook.  See the manual.

But what makes you think that those To's are spoiling your search?  
/ does not search the text of the display--it searches attributes of 
the messages.  By default, mutt expands the / command according to 
the 'simple_search' configuration variable to search the "From" and 
"Subject" fields.  If you want to search for a particular recipient, 
then specify ~t in the search pattern, like this:

   Search for: ~t stas

That's in the mutt manual, too, under "Patterns".
