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Re: alternate editor ?

On 24 Nov 2007 19:04 +0100, by g.robin3@xxxxxxx (Gerard Robin):
> On Sat, Nov 17, 2007 at 04:56:13PM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> set editor=`if [ ${DISPLAY} = ":0.0" ] ; then echo gedit ; else echo vim ; 
>> fi`
> Thanks, it works fine too with gedit, but not with "gvim -f", I get the
> message: -f  unknown variable.

I am not particularly well-versed in muttrc-language, so the above may
be trivial, but what I have done is write a script that is referenced
in my muttrc, which in turn launches the editor. Then you can do as
many fancy things as you like (I use it to automatically reformat
quote marks and remove excess signatures before passing the message to
the editor, for example).

Michael Kjörling .. michael@xxxxxxxxxxx .. http://michael.kjorling.se
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