Re: Deleting attachment from signed email
On 22 November 2007, Kyle Wheeler wrote with possible deletions:
> On Thursday, November 22 at 05:20 PM, quoth Stefan Klinger:
> > Problem:
> > I am not able to remove an attachment or the signature from a signed
> > message.
> Instead, it's a principle problem. How can you delete an attachment
> from a signed mail without invalidating the signature? Unless you have
> the original private key (to re-sign the message after you modify
> it), it's technically impossible.
Obviously right. Some people keep sending me email with 3MB attachments, which
annoys me anyway. Since they are impervious to advice, I decided to delete the
attachmenst. I dont't want to remove the whole email though. This worked fine,
until some days ago, when one of them started signing his mail.
> If you REALLY REALLY want to delete the attachment and you don't care
> about invalidating the signature, you can edit the email with your
> text editor (press E).
This is not an option for me. The signature seems to be an attachment itself,
and I certainly don't want to hack into the MIME structure.
On 23 November 2007, Corsair wrote with possible deletions:
> Indeed, one cannot do that in mutt. However, one can always do a M-s
> to strip out everything but the main text.
This seems not to work for me (key not bound). What should it do? Strip *all*
attachments? Certainly not what I want.
How can I remove the signature? As said, it's an attachment wihich I failed to
delete due to it's own presence.
Kind regards,
Stefan Klinger o/klettern /\/ bis zum
send plaintext only - max size 32kB \ Abfallen