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Re: mailing list issue

On Sun 2007-11-18 22:56 , ITSec_Mike wrote:
> Hi all
> I have marked some mailboxes as mailing lists and I set
> follow_up to no.
> If I send an email to a mailing list, it arrives there but I do
> not get a copy of it (this is valid for starting a thread as well as 
> doing a follow up of an existing one).
> What parameters do I have to consider in addition, that I get my
> own mails as well.

It's a gmail "issue". I solved it by using a different smtp from gmail when
sending mails to mailing lists.
Take a look at: http://marc.info/?l=mutt-users&m=117261412508511&w=2

Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino
Arch Linux Trusted User

Please send personal email to themolok@xxxxxxxxx

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