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Re: w3mimgdisplay use?

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On Friday, November  9 at 03:16 PM, quoth Kyle Wheeler:
>And I *believe* the command to display an image looks something like 
>     echo '0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;./test.jpg' | w3mimgdisplay

AHA! I figured it out by dissecting the X-Face patch by Tamo. For 
posterity, here's how you do it:

     echo -e '2;3;\n0;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;./test.jpg\n4;\n3; | w3mimgdisplay

Now, I'm not 100% sure WHY it works or what the other commands are in 
there for, but it does work.

>P.S. Yes, I know that w3mimgdisplay has to be a persistent process, 
>so the echo line up there won't *quite* work... but I'm still stumped 
>as to what the correct behavior is.

That's not true: it does not have to be a persistent process. It's 
just that w3m uses it as a persistent process to handle scrolling 
around without needing to keep fork()/exec()'ing all the time.

This all said, while it's nifty and all, w3m is a nicer *viewer* 
because it handles all the scrolling and such.

However... this may be useful for viewing images *inline* (if they're 
small enough)... time to play around! :)

- -- 
You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason himself 
into in the first place.
                                                      -- Jonathan Swift
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
