Re: How to send a return receipt
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On Saturday, October 13 at 12:50 PM, quoth Patrick Schoenfeld:
>On Fri, Oct 12, 2007 at 07:35:02PM -0500, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
>> Thus, any message that does not have an X-Disposition-Sent header is a
>> message that you haven't sent a response to, and messages that DO have
>> such a header won't trigger the macro.
>That does not work (at least in my case) because the TO-address is (often)
>forwarded to a group of people, where one might not send such a confirmation,
>when another already did. So a question is probably the best way to go, because
>the people in the group usually know if someone already sent the confirmation.
>> I don't see what that missing functionality might be. Maybe I'm
>> missing something.
>Well, see above. The ideas others and I had so far are all lacking something,
>that the MDA functions gives.
How does an MDA-enabled client communicate to other clients that a
given email has already been responded to? And what's stopping the script from asking the user a question?
- --
If the president is the head of the American body politic, Congress is
its gastrointestinal tract. Its vast and convoluted inner workings may
be mysterious and unpleasant, but in the end they excrete a great deal
of material whose successful passage is crucial to our nation's
survival. This is Congress's duty.
-- Jon Stewart
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!