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Re: How to send a return receipt

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On Friday, October 12 at 08:00 PM, quoth David Champion:
>>> The patch certainly provides better functionality than hooks, 
>>> macros, and scripts do, given the usual constraints.
>> I don't see what that missing functionality might be. Maybe I'm 
>> missing something.
> I didn't say "missing", I said "better".  I haven't said there's 
> anything fundamentally wrong with your approach; it's just not as -- as 
> you said -- convenient.
> But why is this an argument?

I guess I don't view convenience as "better functionality", but rather 
equal functionality. If I can bend mutt to do exactly the same thing 
two different ways, it's equal functionality, even if one requires 
more keystrokes. "Better" functionality implies that one performs 
faster/more-thoroughly/more-accurately/etc. than the other. But you're 
right, at this point, it doesn't matter: the OP has a multitude of 
ways of doing it. All that remains is to quibble about whether mutt's  
source should include code for functions that can be performed via 

- -- 
To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that 
we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only 
unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American 
                                            -- Theodore Roosevelt, 1912
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
