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Re: Colors and... nano or native pager??

On Sun, Sep 16, 2007 at 11:25:05AM -0400, John wrote:
> Here's one way of doing it, mostly lifted from the efforts of
> others. You can fiddle with colors to suit yourself, of course.

Thank you so very much, John. Actually, right after looking at 
your code I started fiddling with it as suggested, and I came up  
with something quite satisfactory to my taste.

The only thing, at this line:

> color normal    black default

I had to change "default" to "white" in order to get a white 

Also changed a few others things... and this totally takes care of 
my first question. Thanks again! It's been very much appreciated.

As to the other question, mutt's vs. an external text editor, if I 
were to keep nano for the time being, how would I go about making 
nano display the same color pattern I have already achieved in 
mutt? I spent hours with the nano manual, and all that talk about 
regexp parameters in order to configure color is totally confusing 
to me. Given that nano seems a popular choice as a mutt's editor, 
my hope is that others have done that already (make their nano 
match mutt's .muttrc colors) and will share their savvy here in a 
more intellegible fashion, just as you have just done.
