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Re: How to browse Imap folders?

=- Marco Vittorini Orgeas wrote on Sun  2.Sep'07 at 14:54:15 +0200 -=

> On my imap server I have some other folders than just Inbox (they are 
> obviously subfolders of my INBOX) and i want to navigate them.
> For doing this I do again a "c" + "<tab>" for view my *current* folder 
> subfolders, but it shows me again my local (localhost) mail home folder. 
> And hitting again "<tab>" shows me again my mailboxes.
> I read trough the manual,the wiki and in this list archives,but i am not 
> lucky.

Then try /Folders + /Actions in the wiki guide again.
Also note than IMAP-browsing has been improved recently, upgrade to

>> mailboxes = imap://mavior.eu/
>> mailboxes = imap://kdo.it/

See /Syntax or manual.txt for how to define "mailboxes".

> Is it possible to browse my imap folders, without do "c" and write down 
> every time my imap address and then browse with auto-completing?

See macros.

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