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Re: Setting subscribe/list within muttrc (using IMAP) [SOLVED]

* Michelle Konzack <linux4michelle@xxxxxxxxxx> [2007-08-29 19:12 +0200]:
> Am 2007-08-24 23:49:36, schrieb David J. Weller-Fahy:
> > Perhaps I'm looking for a feature that doesn't exist, and I'm almost
> > certainly missing something simple, but here's the background:
> <snip>
> It seems there is no way in mutt...

That is the way it seemed.  However, after digging into the archives a
bit deeper, and playing with a patch I found, I've come up with a
solution that works for me (it does require patching, though).  Details

Inspiration came from:

The patch exports the current mailbox name to an environment variable,
then I source a shell script as part of a folder hook.  The shell script
parses the mailbox name to determine whether it is a list mailbox, then,
if it is, outputs the muttrc commands I use for lists.  I've tested this
with all the lists I subscribe to, and it works with one caveat:

    All my lists are stored in the format =lists.list-name, so
    mutt-users is in =lists.mutt-users.  While this makes it easy for my
    script to parse the name, it also means that my script/setup may not
    work for you.

Hope this helps... I know it doesn't do everything, but it gets me a
little closer. ;]

> I am too using a simplified code sniplet of "uw-imap" to get all
> directories (and number of NEW/READ messages ) from an imap-server...

Would you mind sharing your sniplet?  It may be a bit better than mine.

dave [ please don't CC me ]
# vim:ft=diff:
This is a patch to place the current mailbox path in an environment variable
whenever a folder-hook is called.  This (trivial) patch was based on a
message[1] on the mutt mailing list:

        [1]: http://marc.info/?l=mutt-users&m=99616338121641&w=2

In fact, the ONLY differences are the name of the variable, and adding the
patch name to PATCHES. ;]

diff -r f467353f5657 PATCHES
--- a/PATCHES   Sat Mar 31 18:50:39 2007 -0700
+++ b/PATCHES   Wed Aug 29 22:09:38 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 3f8829e739e9 hook.c
--- a/hook.c    Tue Aug 28 11:33:52 2007 -0700
+++ b/hook.c    Thu Aug 30 22:08:56 2007 +0200
@@ -282,6 +282,8 @@ void mutt_folder_hook (char *path)
   BUFFER err, token;
   char buf[STRING];
+  setenv( "MUTT_CURRENTMAILBOX", path, 1 );
   current_hook_type = M_FOLDERHOOK;
   err.data = buf;
# .mutt/rc.testforlist.sh

# This will only work if:
# - $MUTT_CURRENTMAILBOX contains the name of the current mailbox in mutt.
# - Your list directory structure looks like the following:
#       lists
#       lists.aklug
#       lists.mutt-users
#       lists.resnet-l
#       lists.[mailing list name]
# If your structure is not like the above, then tweak the code heavily.

mailbox=`echo $MUTT_CURRENTMAILBOX | sed -r -e "s/^imaps:\/\/[^\/]+\///"`
listpfx=`echo $mailbox | cut -d . -f 1`
if test "$listpfx" = "lists" ; then
        test "$mailbox" != "lists" && echo "subscribe ${mailbox#lists.}"
        echo "folder-hook +$mailbox set from=dave-$( echo $mailbox | tr '.' '-' 