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CC'ing list people but not getting CC'd?

Dear list,

on the git mailing list, people seem to prefer being CC'd on list
posts. After I trained myself for years to use <list-reply> instead
of <group-reply>, I am now faced by the challenge to meet their
desires while not offending the others (e.g.

I realise that an easy solution would be for all *other* subscribers
(at least those who use mutt) to s/subscribe git/lists git/ in their
config, but I can hardly expect everyone to do so.

So I am trying to come up with a solution that fits the list policy
and also doesn't involve me to go out of my way. I could obviously
simply 'unsubscribe git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', but that would have two
bad effects:

  - <list-reply> no longer works, forcing me to go back to
    <group-reply> the hard way.
  - mutt won't add the M-F-T header to mail I send, which means
    I'll get CC's to git list mail, which I don't want.

One solution would be to bind L to <group-reply> for the git
mailing list, but a reply-hook is too late for that, and I don't
have a special folder for git mail.

Is there another way, in which mutt could assist me with my quest?
I really don't want to get back into the habit of using
<group-reply> for mailing lists...


martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
one has to multiply thoughts to the point
where there aren't enough policemen to control them.
                                               -- stanislaw jerzey lec
spamtraps: madduck.bogus@xxxxxxxxxxx

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