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Re: push/enter and my earlier questions

=- Chris G wrote on Thu  9.Aug'07 at 21:32:32 +0100 -=

> > >     macro index s ":push <enter-command>^Mset 
> > > mbox_type=mbox^M<save-message>"       
> > 
> > b) Don't use ^M but <enter>
> I did try <enter> but it didn't appear to work as I wanted, it
> might have been 'finger trouble' but I don't think so.

It might have something to do with your useless use of "push",
adding another input + quoting level.
BTW you don't need it after enter-command anyway.

> > c) You don't need "push" for this, make it a simple macro.
> How would I do this?

Recall what "push" and "macro" do: in your case pretty much the
same, so "push" is redundant.

> > > Ah, I hadn't seen that there is an <enter-command> function
> > > which effectively takes one to the : prompt, thank you. I'll
> > > experiment some more.
> > 
> > Hit '?', there you see all function names and current
> > keybindings.
> Er, yes, but there are over 100 of them and while I'm familiar
> with quite a few of them I just hadn't noticed the
> <enter-command>.

_Every_ key is bound to a function, so whatever key you use (like
":") you can find the name there whenever it crosses your path.

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