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Re: smtps

On Thu, Jun 07, 2007 at 12:19:36AM +0200, Albert Shih wrote:
| How you use mutt with smtps ?
| When I use mutt with classic smtp I use msmtp package. But If i want use
| msmtp with smtps I need (or I don't known how I can do) to put my password
| in clear directly in .msmtprc.
| Do you have any better idea ?

if your mail server supports and authentication method that can be
performed via SASL, then you can manage to not input a password.

I personally run a Kerberos realm and use Postfix for my MTA, which
supports Kerberos via GSSAPI.  msmtp has support for GSSAPI via libgsasl.

stick it all together and I get secure authentication without the need
of placing my password in my .mstmprc file once I have authenticated to
my KDC.


ryan corder <ryanc at silverorb dot net>
GnuPG key: http://silverorb.net/~ryanc/stuff/ryanc.asc
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           -- Spock, "A Taste of Armageddon", stardate 3193.9