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Re: message dates

Am 2007-05-16 21:21:34, schrieb Derek Martin:
> A few facts:
> 1. At one point my mail server was receiving more than 1000 spam
> messages per day to my various personal accounts.

And? - Depending of the Day-Of-Week I get between 400 amd 38.000 spams.

> 2. The single largest (though indirect) source of that spam was
> mailing list traffic.  The vast majority of the spam in question was
> sent to addresses I used on public mailing lists.  The addresses in
> question were only ever used for mailing list posts, so the method of
> harvesting those addresses is not in question: they were culled from
> the mailing list posts.  It is the only possibility.

Why not create a procmail/maildrop rume, which let only Messages from
mailinglists going in without filtering and the rest goes trough a
whitelist filter which can automaticaly updated using the Mailinglist?

I have whitelisted ALL members of this list since years and
NEVER gotten a spam with am E-Mail address from those members.

> 3. I do not believe in spam filters; they require that I assume risk
> (however small it may be with modern filtering software) that a
> legitimate personal mail might be sent to the abyss.  The risk can be
> mitigated only by saving questionable messages into a folder for
> review, which I would be forced to spend time reviewing, which I don't
> want to do.  And even then, there is still some degree of risk that
> I'll miss an important personal message.  No matter how good filtering
> software has gotten, there is always at least some risk of this.

Over the aears I have nearly 48.000 E-Mails auto whitelistet which
was realy no problem...  All mailinglist mempers, friends and family
can send me messages whitout beeing filtered or trashed

This is realy more serieux.

And, I do not bother ANY senders with Challenge Reponses!!!
(I get from others per month OVER 8000 of them)

> 4. Since adopting my new method of spam management (now some 5+ years
> old, if I'm not mistaken), I receive at most a total of about *3 spams
> per day* to all my personal e-mail addresses combined, *completely
> unfiltered* for spam.

Sorry, but HOW can anyone of us send you a PM if it is important?

> Someone needs to write an anonymizing mailing list management software
> package which NEVER includes anything that matches a legal e-mail
> address--perhaps unless it is specially quoted to allow it to be

But this mean, the Mailinglist-System will be DOSed from Spamers!
AND, - The filters in the Mailinglist-Server must be very strong!

Do you know, HOW MANY spams <lists.debian.org> is filtering daily?
Several 100.000 which would be multiplied by several 10.000 users.

> posted--but allows subscribed users to either reply privately or to

Sorry, but if Webspider get NORMAL-E-Mails whay hould they stop before
anonymized E-Mails since you will get the spam anyway forwarded.

> the list by keeping track of who sent what messages, and acting as an
> anonymizing proxy.  Alternately, the list management software would
> have to compare any e-mail regex matches to its data store of
> subscribed users, and sanitize any matches.  THEN, you'd need to
> convince the list admins of all the mailing lists I care about to
> start using that software.


> Also, I do regrettably maintain a "public" address out of necessity on
> account of my participation in various OSS projects and certain
> mailing lists where it is difficult or undesireable to remain
> anonymous (from a contact perspective), which *is* heavily filtered --
> but I don't particularly care if I miss mail sent there, since people
> I care about know how to contact me reliably.  While I haven't tried
> it recently, I've no doubt that this address can easily be obtained by
> merely sticking my name in google and looking through a couple of
> entries that come up.  I doubt you'll even need to click on the
> links... just look at the search results, and it'll probably be in one
> of them.

If your E-Mail is available form Google, what you make you
thinking, that using a fake-E-Mail on this list, which is
definitivly subscriber only will you protect from anything?

Spamers ARE using Webspyders to get E-Mails!

So I can not believe, you get only 3 Spams per day unfiltered.

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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