Mutt and GPG: how to manually verify the signature of a message?
Hi to all mutters, and sorry for the likely dumb question I'm posting.
I'm testing mutt and gnupg, I can verify with no problem messages
signatures, but it fails when I do it manually, saving in distinct
files the message and the signature.
For example if I save the (clear) message in "message", and the
signature in "signature.asc", then the command:
gpg --verify signature.asc message
issues a bad signature message.
I have setted:
set pgp_verify_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --output - --verify %s %f"
in the configuration.
With no doubt there is on my a part a big misunderstanding of how gpg
works, and after much thinkering I'm definitively puzzled.
So, which is the correct way to verify by hand the signature of a
Many thanks in advance.
Stefano Sabatini
Linux user number 337176 (see