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Re: Adding a Bcc in a send-hook

* Kyle Wheeler on Wednesday, February 28, 2007 at 11:11:48 -0700:
> On Wednesday, February 28 at 11:41 AM, quoth Matthew R. Dempsky:
>> Is there another way to achieve the desired effect (i.e., routing an 
>> extra copy of the email to my utdallas.edu mailbox so I can be 
>> informed when their spam filtering software decides to trash my 
>> messages)?
> Sure. One way (this may seem pretty idiotic) is to use 'push' in your 
> hook, rather than trying to get the hook to do it itself. That allows 
> mutt to get around to changing the recipients when it is convenient. 
> Like this:
>     send-hook '~t @utdallas\.edu$ !~t ^utdlug@utdallas\.edu$' \
>         'push <edit-bcc>mrd033000@xxxxxxxxxxxx<enter>'

Wow! I was always looking for a away to circumvent the send-hook
restriction concerning recipients. This might be idiotic but the
hack is extremely useful for me. Thanks for sharing this!

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