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Re: MTA for Solaris - ideas anyone?

On Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 11:05:51AM -0600, David Champion wrote:
> * On 2007.02.16, in <20070216163327.GA91128@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> *     "Eur Ing Chris Green" <cl@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I am looking for an MTA to use with mutt on a Solaris 2.6 system, so
> > far none of the ones on http://wiki.mutt.org/?LightSMTPagents builds
> > successfully though I'm pursuing msmtp still.
> Most non-queueing SMTP clients are, shall we say, optimized for Linux.
> Getting the native-code ones to compile on Solaris is not an enjoyable
> exercise.
> If you're using Solaris 2.6, you're probably not on dialup (or
> wireless).  What's wrong with a full MTA like sendmail that's simply not
> running a listener?  Very likely the sendmail that ships on Solaris 2.6
> will work fine, as old as it is.  I wouldn't run it as a server, but as
> a client it should be okay.  Plus you get an outbound queue in case of
> problems.
> Sendmail is very common on Solaris, so even if you do need to compile
> it shouldn't be much of an issue, and if you're not running a listener
> you don't really need to be very conscious of security issues (in
> case you're one of those who feels that sendmail is fatally flawed,
> security-wise).
Problem is I don't have root access so configuring sendmail is not
really possible.  While I could ask the sysdamin to do stuff, that
isn't a problem as such, I doubt if he's capable of configuring sendmail.

I also really need to send via my own authenticated SMTP as the only
company server available is Exchange.  This is all reasonably 'above
board' by the way, I'm not trying to do things without the business
knowing, it's just that I'm one of the few developers who is 100% on Solaris.

Currently I use an ssh tunnel and sendmail on a remote system but it
would be cleaner, easier and faster if I could run a local light MTA.

Chris Green