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Re: jump to last read

* Rado S on Tuesday, February 06, 2007 at 18:08:10 +0100:
> The idea, not litral mutt code, look up details.
> Works only assuming you don't use "Flag"ing for other purposes,

As I do need flag'ging for other purposes I use the following
workaround with David's (thank you!) patch:

macro pager <Tab> "\
" "jump to next unread and remember last"

macro pager ,<Tab> "\
<enter-command> set my_resolve=\$resolve resolve=no<enter>\
<enter-command>push \\'@new<enter><display-message>\
<enter-command> set resolve=\$my_resolve &my_resolve<enter>\
" "mark as new, jump back to last unread"

But compared to a newsreader's capability to jump back to any
last message with the same keystroke it's very limited. I still
believe that this would be nice to have in a mail _reader_. Will
file a wish.

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