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Re: HTML email, was Re: reading color quoted replies

=- Marc Vaillant wrote on Thu  8.Feb'07 at 11:58:48 -0500 -=

> Is there still considerable danger in dumping html via w3m or
> some other html to text converter?

No, see wiki FAQ how to make it work.

> Also, we correspond with several DoD organizations on a weekly
> basis. We've never had an email blocked, nor have we been told
> not to send html email.

Some blocks are black holes: no response.
Not being told: maybe the other side sorts them as spam and deals
with it later when searching for false positives rather than
responding normally. The correspondence itself is not lost, but time.
But of course your company might be white-listed, so no problems
at all, no matter how spammy it looks.

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EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
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