Viewing attachments with detached process while remianing in attachments menu
Like in other mail clients I just want to press on the selected
attachment and view it and then go down to the next and view it.
So I may open any number of the attachments at one time.
To detach I am using a mailcap recipe of:
image/jpg; sh -c "exec display %s > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
When I concatenate in .muttrc or on the mutt colon command line
as followS:
view-attach exit
The viewing does not work properly, (xview no-op and display
gives an X windows fiule listing option).
When I just go view-attach the viewing works fine but I get
plonked into the Pager and have to exit from there.
How do i fix this? Is it too much to ask that this
works out of the box? Ot am I missing some things?
Even nicer would be an open-all-attachment macro.