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Re: Can't get %y expansion to work

On Wed, Dec 27, 2006 at 12:59:22PM +0100, jurriaan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> set attribution="From: %n <%a>\nDate: %d\nSent-To: %y\n"

Aha!  I didn't realize this is what you were doing.

I generalized this a little bit and have it set up thusly:

set editor=muttedit
set attribution="Sent-To: %y\nOn %d, %n wrote:"

(note that this still provides normal attribution)

Then muttedit is:

#! /bin/sh

if test "$#" != 1
    echo "Usage: ${0##*/} filename" >&2
    exit 1


# Create a temporary filename so we can do some judo.
tmpfile=$(mktemp -t "muttedit.XXXXXXXXXX")

# Now parse out the Sent-To line; the value of this field is our desired
# identity.
NEW_FROM_ADDR=$(sed -ne '/^Sent-To: /,0s/^Sent-To: //p' "$editfile")

cp "$editfile" ~/tmp/foo

# If a Sent-To line was supplied to us, then we need to do something clever.
if test -n "$NEW_FROM_ADDR"
    # Now, do the replacement and get rid of the Sent-To line.
    sed -e "s/^From: \\(.*\\)<\\(.*\\)>/From: \\1<$NEW_FROM_ADDR>/" "$editfile" 
> "$tmpfile"
    awk -v blanks=0 -- 'blanks >= 2 { print; }; /^$/ { blanks++; }; blanks == 1 
&& /^Sent-To: / { blanks++; print ""; }; blanks == 0 { print; }' "$tmpfile" > 

# Now edit it as normal.
exec ${MUTT_EDITOR:-${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}}} "$editfile"


A: No.
Q: Should I include quotations after my reply?
<URL:http://www.subspacefield.org/~travis/> -><-

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