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Re: Colorizing index specific domain(s)

* Jon Nathan <jon@xxxxxxxxxxx> [04-08-2006 17:21]:

> * Ren Clerc <rene@xxxxxxxx> [08-01-2006 17:45]:


> > Colorizing the index:
> > 
> >   color index brightblue black "~f .*@some.domain$"
> > 
> > Coloring headers:
> > 
> >   color header brightyellow default "^from: et cetera..."
> > 
> > Read the manual on "color"..
> Similar question, but more pattern oriented:
> How can I figure out the message number from within a macro?  I'd
> like to do:
> macro index I ":color index brightblue black ~mX"
> Where X is the message number of the message in the indicator bar.

I don't think there is a way to substitute the current message number
into a kind of variable that can be used in a macro.

Maybe fiddle with $arrow_cursor and "color indicator .." ?


René Clerc                      - (rene@xxxxxxxx) - PGP: 0x9ACE0AC7

Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum.
-Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

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