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Re: Automatic display of X-Face

* Tamo on Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at 20:52:47 +0900:
> On 6/2/06, Christian Ebert <blacktrash@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> * Christoph Berg on Friday, June 02, 2006 at 04:13:03 +0200:
>>> I'm using the patch by Takahashi Tamotsu, found at my web page:
>>> http://www.df7cb.de/projects/mutt/x-face/
>> I tried the patch but get a segfault when trying to open a
>> Maildir. Haven't got the time (yet) to look further into this.
> The patch changes hcache structure but doesn't change
> hcache version. So you have to remove existing hcache
> database manually, before running (patched) mutt.

Actually the main problem was that I had to tweak libexecdir
manually, as I am on MacOS X and have w3m installed from fink.

> Sorry for the bad quality of my patch.

My bad, I didn't come back with the success story. --
Unfortunately w3mimagedisplay doesn't work in the AppleTerminal
(which I prefer much over xterm for the readabilty of the fonts),
so I do not use it, but, again: the patch works.

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