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Re: aliasing mailing lists

On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 10:08:50PM EDT, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 19May2006 19:53, cga2000 <cga2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> | On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 07:36:11AM EDT, Rocco Rutte wrote:
> | > >>Since I use procmail for local filtering, I put comments in .procmailrc 
> | > >>which are converted via cronjob and shell to a mutt config file and 
> | > >>committed to a git repository.
> I go the other way; I have a file like this:
>     mutt      Mutt-Users      sender:owner-mutt-users@xxxxxxxx

a very interesting idea.  ie. if you have to have the "master file" I
was talking about, it makes good sense to go the whole hog and have
*everything* re: your mailing lists generated from that one file. 
> and generate the .procmailrc from that. Column 1 is the folder name,
> column 2 gets inserted as an X-Label header (I mix several lists in one
> folder sometimes) and column 3 generates a procmail condition.
> It makes maintaining a large .procmailrc much easier.
> This is the converter:
>   http://freshmeat.net/projects/cats2procmailrc/
> [...]
> | I don't know if it's possible in a reliable manner but I was thinking
> | of maintaining a separate file that lists the addresses of all the
> | mailing lists to which I am currently subscribed and having procmail:
> | 
> | 1. Add an entry to the list whenever it encounters a message that
> |    confirms subscription to a mailing list 
> | 
> | 2. Delete entries upon receiving messages that confirm un-subscription
> |    from mailing lists.
> | 
> | .. and naturally use this external file to generate the targets of the
> | subscribe/mailboxes/alias commands in .muttrc.
> It feels like a setup where someone could damage your mutt config just
> be sending you email:-)

That's a general problem with automation.  You open yourself to
potential abuse. On the other hand, malicious users would need to know
how I set up my mutt to figure this out. More likely I'll shoot myself
in the foot by not configuring it right in the first place.. If I ever
find the time to embark upon such a project, that is.. :-)

> Personally I rarely both with step 2.
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> DoD#743
> http://www.cskk.ezoshosting.com/cs/

