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Re: "mailbox is not a directory" message - when switching mailboxes

On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 03:36:48PM EDT, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> * cga2000 <cga2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> [05-18-06 20:53]:
> > 1. The '.' command does not list the mailboxes with new mail. It may
> >    list nothing at all or only mailboxes that already were already marked
> >    'N' in the index before I executed fetchmail.
> I would hazzard (keyword) a guess that procmail has not yet delivered
> the new mail and/or removed the lock.
> > 2. The mailboxes with new mail in the mailbox menu are not marked 'N'
> Same as above.  Also remember that mutt does not *immediately* update
> the mailbox status on delivery.  I see messages appear delivered in the
> procmail log that mutt does not notice new mail yet.  This sometimes is
> as long (perception) as 20-30 seconds.
> > What's more curious is that if I am patient the situation usually
> > rights itself without my doing anything in particular. 
> > 
> > So there seems to be some time-related issue behind this.
> My reasoning above.  

Thanks for your explanations. My gut-feeling was that this was pretty
harmless but I was still a little concerned something might be broken
and it was pure luck I had not run into a major problem. 

Something I haven't tried - will do so next time I download new
messages is to hit ^L to redraw the display. Or maybe cycle through the
different views of the index (mailboxes.. other directories..) see if
it helps mutt get back on its feet.. The reason I am saying this is
that even if I wait several minutes.. mutt still does not seem to
"synchronize" so-to-speak.. Needs some form of user action to reconcile
new file environment with the display.

