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Show unread as bold


I have a color terminal, so I use config command color to set and
highlight some sender's mail and so on. It's working fine. But now I
want to set some of the mail (all undread) to bold, preferably at the
same time without interfering with the coloring. Is that doable?

Reading the command reference does not help.

color object foreground background [  regexp ]
color index foreground background [  pattern ]
uncolor index pattern [ pattern ... ]

    If your terminal supports color, these commands can be used to
assign foreground/backgound combinations to certain objects. Valid
objects are: attachment, body, bold, header, hdrdefault, index,
indicator, markers, message, normal, quoted, quotedN, search,
signature, status, tilde, tree, underline. The body and header objects
allow you to restrict the colorization to a regular expression. The
index object permits you to select colored messages by pattern.
    Valid colors include: white, black, green, magenta, blue, cyan,
yellow, red, default, colorN.

mono object attribute [ regexp ]
mono index attribute [ pattern ]

    For terminals which don't support color, you can still assign
attributes to objects. Valid attributes include: none, bold,
underline, reverse, and standout.

I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them.
                    -- Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992)