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save format

sorry if this is a re-post...

i've got a question that no sort of searching the mailing
list archives or the Mutt documentation has led me to find
the answer to...of course I've been wrong on many occasions :)

ok, so I've been a long time Mutt user and have always had
a want to be able to save messages a certain way.

by default, when I got to save a message, it tries to save
it as the "name" (i.e. the left half of the email address,
joe from joe@xxxxxxx).

I tried setting the "save_address" option and that got me
closer to what I wanted, but since I use Cyrus IMAP, the '.'
in the email addresses give it problems.

can I set the format of the folder to which Mutt tries to
save a message?  or can Mutt save a message according to
an alias that exists?

thanks in advance all,

ryan corder <ryanc at silverorb dot net>
GnuPG key: http://silverorb.net/~ryanc/stuff/ryanc.asc
"There is a multi-legged creature crawling on your shoulder."
           -- Spock, "A Taste of Armageddon", stardate 3193.9

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