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Re: sent emails in -->> to proper folder

Am 2005-11-18 10:58:32, schrieb Realos:
> > Christoph Berg wanted us to know:
> >folder-hook . 'set record="^"'
> I have tested the fcc-hook which is working fine, but could not figure
> out completely what your folder-hook with "^" does?
> What does "^" mean in this case?


  __( '/home/michelle.konzack/.mutt/manual_1.5.6i.txt' )________________
|   The Mutt E-Mail Client
|   by Michael Elkins <me@xxxxxxxxxx>
|   version 1.5.6
|   ``All mail clients suck.  This one just sucks less.'' -me, circa 1995
|   ______________________________________________________________________


|   4.7.  Mailbox Shortcuts
|   There are a number of built in shortcuts which refer to specific
|   mailboxes.  These shortcuts can be used anywhere you are prompted for
|   a file or mailbox path.
|   ·  ! -- refers to your ``$spoolfile'' (incoming) mailbox
|   ·  > -- refers to your ``$mbox'' file
|   ·  < -- refers to your ``$record'' file
|   ·  - or !! -- refers to the file you've last visited
|   ·  ^ -- refers to the current open mailbox if any
|   ·  ~ -- refers to your home directory
|   ·  = or + -- refers to your ``$folder'' directory
|   ·  @alias -- refers to the ``default save folder'' as determined by
|      the address of the alias




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Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)