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How to 'move' a maildir mailbox?

Going on from my previous query and comments about maildir, is there
any way to move a maildir mailbox in mutt?

I need to do this for archiving and reorganising mail.  For example I
have a 'shopping' directory where I keep mail related to internet
purchases, mostly organised by the name of the supplier.  To keep
things manageable in the current shopping directory I need to move old
mails across to an archive hierarchy, in many cases this will mean a
whole supplier's mailbox will move if I haven't used that supplier

With mbox (and save_empty=no) this works fine, I select all the mails
in the mail folder, move them to where I want them to be and the
source mailbox disappears because it's empty.  However with maildir
the mailbox doesn't disappear, this really is a pain because, after a
while, my shopping directory ends up cluttered with the names of lots
of suppliers I haven't used for a long time.  Removing empty maildir
mailboxes is non-trivial if you have to do it manually, and it's error

Has anyone any suggestions on how this can be managed better?  Ideally
I'd like it to happen auto-magically from within mutt but a utility to
remove empty maildir mailboxes would be better than nothing.

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxx)

    "Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence."