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Re: Sending consecutive messages in same thread?

On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 10:45:47 +0200, Ulrich Scholz wrote:

> maybe this is slightly off topic: How can I send consecutive messages
> that belong to the same thread.  
> For example I send a question to Jill.  But then, before she answers
> that question, I figure out the answer myself.  Now I want to notify
> her - and that email should belong to the same thread than my first
> email.  
> How to do that? "mail" starts a new thread and there is no message to
> "reply" to.


  reply to your previous message that you're correcting - mutt notices
  that it was *from* you, and sends the reply to the same "To" address


  reply to the same earlier message from Jill.

The differences will be which is quoted in the "In-Reply-To" header (and
so how the thread will be presented), and of course which message gets
quoted if you say yes to "include message in reply".

John F Hall