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Re: introduction / first question and special characters

 On Wednesday, September 14, 2005 at 5:56:18 PM +0200, Daniel Hertrich wrote:

>> <URL:http://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/locale/checklocale.c>
> I will test that.

    Real success of each locale category setting will be indicated,
together with printability of each character.

>> Why have you installed libiconv?
> I must have read it somewhere that it is needed.

    Libiconv is really needed by Mutt only when the libc doesn't provide
iconv (very old libc), or when the provided iconv is ahum... suboptimal
(say on HP/UX).

    Now, it is possible to install and use libiconv on all platforms,
you just have to use some linker magic to force its usage without
conflict with libc iconv. Libiconv's INSTALL gives hints.

>> build Mutt with the same +LOCALES_HACK after you renamed out
>> /hdd2/usr/include/iconv.h?
> No obvious difference to before.

    ¿¡!? OK: Now same renaming out, but rebuild with both options
--enable-locales-fix and --without-wc-funcs. Of course you need to
change muttrc to set charset=iso-8859-1 to test octalcodization.

    Describe and quote what you see here: ä

> mutt really uses other iconv functions now, doesn't it?

    Well, I hope so. The fact previous build used iconv.h but no
libiconv.so in ldd may have been unclean??

    BTW about your web setup:

 - Exporting TERM=linux for qkonsole is well suited? Grepping "sharp",
"zaurus", or "qkons" in latest terminfo unsuccesfulled... TED?

 - export set TERM=linux
 - AFAICS your umlaut problem can't be an /etc/termcap issue.

 - Your subscribe regexps are too lax.

 - The $send_charset is broken, perhaps by HTMLization. Anyway let me
suggest one in infosig.

Bye!    Alain.
Mutt muttrc tip to send mails in best adapted first necessary and sufficient
charset (version for Western Latin-1/Latin-9/CP-850/CP-1252 terminal users):
set send_charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-1:iso-8859-15:windows-1252:utf-8"