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Re: sendhook

Pete Johns <paj-mutt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 15:28:35 +0200, mess-mate sent:
| >Hi,
| >is there a way ( or doc about sendhook) to set my from header when
| >replying to a mail addressed to foo@xxxx ? 
| >Thanks in advance.
| >
| send-hook .                  'my_hdr From: My Name <my@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>'
| send-hook "~t ^foo@bar$"     'my_hdr From: My Name <my@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>'
| See 3.18  Change settings based upon message recipients in the
| manual.
| Hope this helps;
Well.. no :)
That kind of sendhook is for KNOW users to send.
But my sendhook must be based on the incoming FROM header.
Say, incoming message =
To: foo1@bar
From: foo2@bar2

So my sendhook must be based on foo2@bar2.
( if from=foo2@bar2; set my from header to messmate@xxxxxxx)

Many enraged psychiatrists are inciting a weary butcher.  The butcher is
weary and tired because he has cut meat and steak and lamb for hours and
weeks.  He does not desire to chant about anything with raving psychiatrists,
but he sings about his gingivectomist, he dreams about a single cosmologist,
he thinks about his dog.  The dog is named Herbert.
                -- Racter, "The Policeman's Beard is Half-Constructed"