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how to make vim auto spelling-check while typing and after :wq

Hi mutters in mud ;)

How do you guys do spelling check? I am currently using these commands in my

|:autocmd FileType mail :nmap <F8> :w<CR>:!aspell -e -c %<CR>:e<CR>
|cab spell :w<CR>:!aspell -e -c  %<CR>:e<CR><CR>

But can vim automatically check spelling while I am typing? or can it call
aspell after I save and exit vim?

I found this autocommand in from google, but not being able to use it:
|:autocmd VimLeavePre * call SpellingStuff()

another question, aspell and ispell, which one is more suitable for mutters?



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  Better than a thousand pointless verses is one stanza on hearing which
  one finds peace. 101