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Re: How to change From: on a certain mailbox?

On Mon, Jul 11, 2005 at 08:26:03AM +0200, Fred Thiele wrote:
> 1) Changing From: tag while in a certain mailbox
> 2) Changing .signature while in a certain mailbox

(Not tested)
mbox-hook . 'set signature=~/.signature ; my_hdr From: usual_email@address'
mbox-hook INBOX.mutt-users 'set signature=~/.signature.mutt-users ; my_hdr 
From: new@address'

Tip: If you don't like reading the manual, you can see the
sample.muttrc which comes with any mutt distribution. It has examples
of usage of almost *all* mutt features.

> I'm using imap. All mails go into =INBOX, and certain mails are
> filtered by procmail to go into special imap-folders. For instance
> mails to mutt-users@xxxxxxxx go into =INBOX.mutt-users. (Behind
> this, i just have not realized how Lists are treated in detail, I'm
> just filtering List-Mails like "normal" mails- is this normal?)

Don't know about that one.



Kumar Appaiah
Mail powered by: Mutt 1.5.6, fetchmail 6.2.5, exim 4.44, procmail 3.22